Shopping for Germs?

Headed for the holiday crowds? Try not to bring home any extra surprises using these smart, healthy shopper tips.
Wash your hands often, especially:
- After touching communal surfaces and objects like food court tables, cashier pens, ATMs, even tech gadgets.
- After money exchange; cash and coins especially are prime breeding grounds for germs.
- Before you grab a snack; be sure to make a quick pit stop to clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water – or at the very least hand sanitizer – before touching your food.
Keep your distance
Here are few good reasons why:
- Flu can spread directly from person to person within a 6-foot radius and can be transmitted up to a full week after the infected person starts feeling better.
- Drops from coughing, sneezing and talking are believed to be the main cause of spread.
- A sneeze can travel up to 100 mph and spread 100,000 germs into the air.
- Colds are spread mostly by hand-to-hand contact, like when fellow shoppers sneeze into their hands (and don’t wash them!) before they shake yours.
Cover your cough – and not with your hands!
Be considerate of others and cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue that you then throw away; if you don’t have a tissue, cough into your upper sleeve or elbow.
Shop online
If you’re feeling under the weather, do your holiday shopping online; avoid the crowds and lines until you’re feeling better, and look for holiday deals for free shipping.