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Staying In Shape This Holiday Season

It can be hard to keep your focus on your health during the holidays — after all, aren’t we conditioned to think of it as a season of indulgence? Small holiday indulgences aren’t going to ransack your health, but staying in shape may sometimes fall at the bottom of your list when you’ve got all that party prep and shopping to do! Here are some easy ways to stay in shape:

Set a holiday goal

Wellness goals are important any time of the year, but especially during the holidays. It doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming. In fact, anything from a “daily step” goal to regular water consumption will work. The point is to simply make a plan and stick to it! Setting reminders on your phone can help.

Make it official

Sign up for a race (5K run/walks are popular this time of year), or even commit to a fitness challenge with your friends or family for some healthy competition. Having a set date in mind — as well as the group support and encouragement of those you love — will help you work toward your goal.

Holiday activities on foot

Make “hoofing it” a priority this holiday season. Try sightseeing in a new city, a stroll to take in those dazzling neighborhood decorations, walks and hikes with your family and friends, and even standing often during the football game instead of parking it on the couch. Got snow? Take the kids sledding, or just take the dog out for a fun time! Anything you can do to stay on your feet and get moving is a win.

Avoid temptations

Let’s face it: the holidays are full of the temptations, and it’s tough to say no to some of those foods. In order to help you tackle that, drink plenty of water to help reduce the feeling of hunger, and consider sending the leftover pie home with a guest. You don’t have to deprive yourself of your holiday favorites. Simply make a healthier version of them, and/or treat yourself in moderation.

Listen to your body

Rest is just as important as diet and exercise. When your body says it needs rest, skip the workout and get a good night’s sleep instead. Getting enough sleep not only gives you the energy you need to power through your days, it can help keep your immune system running strong while you’re surrounded by all those guests.

At MedPost and CareSpot clinics, we’re focused on helping you and your family stay strong and healthy all year long. With specialties in wellnesspediatrics, urgent care, occupational health and seasonal care, we provide the services you need to stay in shape throughout the holiday season and beyond.

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